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Student Reflection and Goals

January 03, 2018


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Happy New Year!!!! A new year brings new hopes, ideas, and goals.  It is the same with little ones.  They can also drive their own education when they self reflect and determine what goals they would like to accomplish.  I have always felt that it is important to a student's education to reflect on where they are and what they want their ending result to be.  Then once their goals are set they can think of steps they can take to reach them.  It seems like a very big idea for a six or seven year old.  However, learning self-motivation and self-reflection techniques will take them far in life.  The world is theirs and they have the ability to create their own path.  Today we read the story, Giraffes Can't Dance by Giles Andreae.  After we read this story, we talked about growth mindset.  Then we made a collaborative poster about things we can't do YET, but would like to do.  OH the things they came up with!!! Some ideas were chopping a board, doing a backflip on the trampoline, reading chapter books, writing longer stories, and of course survival of Minecraft.  No matter what the goal was, we decided what we could do to accomplish it.  Tomorrow we will set some new educational goals for this quarter.  I can't wait to see what they come up with!!!!  The sky is the limit with these kids.  Their expectations are high and I love it!!!!!

Below is the link to the story on youtube:


Giraffe's Can't Dance   

Student Reflection and Goals

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